Chapter XXVI Word Analysis

Fill in the gaps with the correct word(s) and then press "Check" to see your results. Correct answers will be entered into the text, while incorrect answers will remain blank so that you can try again.
pseudohernia + + +
dorsolumbar + + +
iliolumbocostoabdominal + + + + + + +
palmoplantar + + +
meningomyeloradiculitis + + + + + + [hint: the penultimate element is an abbreviated diminutive suffix]
thanatophobia + + +
angiocardiokinetic + + + + +
pseudochromhidrosis + + + +
acrocephalopolysyndactyly + + + + + + +
adenohypophysectomy + + + + + + [hint: the fourth element has undergone a change; think of the full word "hypophysis"]