bifidus, bifida, bifidum | forked |
cavus, cava, cavum | hollow |
durus, dura, durum | hard |
latus, lata, latum | wide |
longus, longa, longum | long |
magnus, magna, magnum | big, great, large |
mucosus, mucosa, mucosum | mucous |
multus, multa, multum | many, much |
transversus, transversa, transversum | oblique, moving across |
dexter, dextra, dextrum | right |
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum | left |
brevis, breve | short |
centralis, centrale | central |
communis, commune | shared, common |
frontalis, frontale | relating to the forehead |
jugularis, jugulare | jugular |
lacrimalis, lacrimale | related to tears |
mollis, molle | soft |
superficialis, superficiale | superficial, on the surface |
vertebralis, vertebrale | of the vertebra |
a.c. | ante cibum ("before food") |
p.c. | post cibum ("after food") |
a.m. | ante meridiem ("before midday") |
p.m. | post meridiem ("after midday") |
a.n. | ante noctem ("before night") |
b.d. | bis die ("twice a day") |
h.s. | hora somni ("at the hour of sleep") |
a.d. | auris dextra ("right ear") |
a.s. | auris sinistra ("left ear") |
o.d. | oculus dexter ("right eye") |
o.s. | oculus sinister ("left eye") |
p.o. | per os ("orally, through the mouth") |
p.r. | per rectum ("rectally, through the rectum") |
s.l. | sub lingua ("under the tongue") |
ad lib. | ad libitum ("as desired") |
s.o.s. | si opus sit ("as needed, if there should be need") |
stat. | statim ("immediately") |
ut dict. | ut dictum ("as directed, as stated") |
c/ | cum ("with") |
s/ | sine ("without") |
BA | artium baccalaureus ("bachelor of arts") |
BS | scientiae baccalaureus ("bachelor of science") |
MA | magister artium ("master of arts") |
MD | medicinae doctor ("doctor of medicine") |
PhD | philosophiae doctor ("doctor of philosophy") |