Word Elements from Chapter VIII

Identify the correct meaning for each word element, or vice versa. Then click "Proceed" to check your answer. Click "Proceed" again to move to the next entry. If you know an entry so well that you would like it removed from the stack for the remainder of your study session, perform a term-ectomy and proceed to the next one. All cards are returned to the stack and randomized upon each visit to this page.
aper-, apert-to open
crem-, cremat-to burn
dilat-spread out
don-, donat-to give
firm-strong, able
habit-, habitat-to dwell
i-, it-to go
lubric-, lubricat-to make smooth
oper-, operat-to work
ori-, ort-to rise
oscill-, oscillat-to swing
pati-, pass-to suffer, to endure
pend-, pens-to hang, to weigh, to pay
pred-, predat-prey, to hunt
reg- (-rig-), rect-to rule, to make straight
rod-, ros-to gnaw
spir-, spirat-to breathe
string-, strict-to draw tight
tribu-, tribut-to assign, to allot
vit-, viv-life, to live